Students review Claudia's Cabaret Paree programs:
Reviews from their teachers follow below!Lincoln High School, Manitowoc, Wisconsin, student Ali Bendix: "What a spectacular job Ms. Hommel did when she visited our school. Granted, our facilities are not as nice as some of the larger locations where she has performed, but she worked with what she had, leaving many of the students, including myself, amazed. Thank you so much for taking the time to visit us. You are an inspiration and wonderful asset to the performing and education industry! Merci beaucoup!"
"A stellar performance! ... thank you for taking me to Paris along with you...I found your show to be most amazing and interesting, and I think that other high schools would enjoy your show just as much as I did. Do you ever think about touring the United States with your program?" James Sherwood, Robinson High School, Robinson, Illinois
From 5th grader Bronwyn Loughlin

"I thought the presentation was excellent!" said Jeff Crawford of Colfax High School in California, "She could be comical and serious at the same time. The funniest part was where she played the role of a French hooker. She made my brother's face turn beat red! Overall, I hope that she comes back in the years to come. I admire her, and think of her as an inspiration for me to work on my French. C'est Bien C'est Bien."
Also from Colfax High, California: Jason Hoffmann writes "Your performance left a significant impression on other kids and especially myself. My musical nature made me even more attracted to the singing and dancing which I was so honored to see. As a performer in choir I can admire and respect your excellent range, your voice as well as your incredible way of drawing your audience into the act. Your accompanist inspired me to put more into my efforts as a pianist and do greater things. I really enjoyed your storytelling before you flew into your songs. I also would like to thank your pianist for his great Jazz rendition."
Other Colfax students weigh in: Chase Dowling wrote, "I liked the show and how she came around and mingled around the crowd, and how she made it seem real." From Annie Brooks, "I thought it was so awesome how you changed the scene, you made me feel like I was in Paris myself. I now plan to go see another performance sometime. Good job." From Sarah Crook-Perry, "I also liked the atmosphere of the cabaret. I loved the singing and the piano. It makes me happy that they chose our school to come to!" From Mark Mattson: "I think it's cool that you perform for high schools and share the art and culture with us."
Teachers review the Cabaret Paree programs:
It has been such a pleasure to know you and to have you come to us these past few years with your compelling story and your professional stature. The comments from the students is that they loved it. The adults felt that your voice was in better form than ever and as I said, you always move me to a tear or two when you sing the music that soothes the savage breast! These students are truly blessed!
Kay Saxvik, Libertyville High School teacher
Claudia Hommel reprises the role of Marcelle as a haunting reminiscence of Edith Piaf. She successfully recreates the period in a highly personal manner, which engages and enchants both students and adults.
Margot M. Steinhart, President Emeritus, American Association of Teachers of French
Stephen Ohlhaut writes of the French class annual field trip from West Lafayette High School, Indiana to see Claudia's cabaret luncheon show in Chicago,
It is a seminal experience for [my students]. They are inspired by it! Several go on each year to perform some of these songs at our annual Carnaval event in February.
Claudia Hommelsinging in French or Englishpresents a great program! I have known Claudia and her programs for many years, but I recently had the pleasure of hearing Claudia and Sean Harris in the "Jazz Fauré" concert at the Hothouse in downtown Chicago. What an experience! Claudia and her group presented Fauré art songs jazzed-up, accompanied by a great back-up group. French teachers will be especially interested in this concert
[click here to read more] No doubt many of you know Claudia's programs which introduce students to French art songs and jazz of the 50s and 60s. For school programs, for special fund-raising projects, etc., I highly recommend it!
Anne Hebert, American Association of Teachers of French, Groupe Professionnel Francophone and Chicago-Paris Sister Cities Education Committee
FORMIDABLE! CHOUETTE! GÉNIAL! The performance...was a mixture of comedy, sadness, tragedy and love. Part of the charm was the way in which Claudia moved about to sing directly to certain individuals (to the embarrassment of the boys and the delight of the girls). The students, all 'débutantes' in French, were familiar with the songs thanks to an extensive study guide that Claudia had put together. After the performance, Claudia made the rounds, talking to all of them. The show was great, a five-star recommendation to any school group learning French!
Gretchen Hane, Tilden High School teacher, Chicago
[Reviewing the two-act version of Souvenirs of Paris, 1950] Claudia Hommel shows exquisite singing skill. Minimal, yet effective, costume changes become mood stimuli. The performance was not long enough.
Sarah Swienton for ICTFL Accents (Illinois Conference of Teachers of Foreign Languages)
The response was overwhelmingly positive. My only regret is that not all the French students could attend because of schedule problems. Overall, I think your program is great, but it was obvious to me that the students who had been prepared by their teachers in advance got a lot more out of it. My students, for example, had heard about 4 or 5 of the selections from your CD, and we had taken one class period to review the lyrics and understand their meaning. Once again, thanks so much for sharing your talents with our students!
Anne Lawday, Chair of Foreign Languages at Horace Mann School in New York.
As you can see, all the students enjoyed your performance very muchas did all the teachers who were present. French is a totally elective subject at our school, so a program such as this is truly an inspiration and a motivation for students to continue studying the language. I am very grateful to you and Bob Moreen and to the Michener Museum for providing this experience for my students. Most sincerely,
Pat Seabright, French Teacher, Neshaminy Middle School