Artist in Residence
The day-long or multi-day artist-in-residency allows us to make myriad connections between social studies, language arts, visual arts, and performing arts. Our multi-disciplinary approach reinforces topical units such as "World War II" or "modern poetry" by adding another hands on dimension for students.
For workshops and activities specific to 7th to 12th grade students, take a look at our suggestions here.For college level courses, here are cross-curricular topics Claudia is ready to explore with your students:
- civilian literature and war
- the impact of jazz in Paris
- comparing life and attitudes in US and France
- using music to heighten our appreciation of poetry (the example of Jacques Prévert)
- song as a means to learn a language
- examination of the artistic process
Within the greater Chicago area, we can organize a residency over the course of several weeks. When touring beyond the Chicago area, the artist-in-residency can be extended for several days in a row.
The whole-day visit can incorporate any combination of performances, workshops, post-show discussions, master classes, informal lunches and French Club visits. Claudia can perform up to three short shows in one day, filling in the rest of the day with classroom workshops and classes.