Flexible Fees

The fee structure for Claudia's Cabaret-Paree school programs is flexible.
  • Fees are based on the number of performances, the size of the audience, admission fees (if any), coordinated booking of programs within your region, the costs of lodging and travel from Chicago, and your budget.
  • To encourage relatively small "intimate" audiences, there is a sliding scale based on the number of students and general public attending the program.
  • Evening concerts in conjunction with school day activities range from $500 to $1500 for singer and accompanist. A full quintet of musicians ranges from $1500 to $3000. And why not have some of your student musicians sit in with us?

Field Trips

  • For a group of 30-90 at a restaurant, from $400-700. The restaurant and school must negotiate the meal service separately. In Chicago, we recommend Cyrano's in Chicago (they have the perfect "cabaret" room). Schools are tax exempt.
  • For a group of 60-200 at a theatrical venue, from $600-1000 plus the cost of renting the theatre (from the Royal George to PianoForte, there are myriad choices in the Chicago area).

In-School Performances and Residencies

  • A Full-Day residency involving upwards of 200 students is $1200-$1500. This can include any combination of performances, workshops, master classes and informal discussions. The artists are at your service from first hour to last.
  • Illinois schools are eligible for substantial fee support under the guidelines of the Illinois Arts Council Arts-in-Education grant programs. "Quick Start" supports a short residency term of 6 to 30 hours. Longer residencies are funded for 20 hours per week for a range of 4 to 12 weeks of artist participation in the school. More details at our funding page.
  • A stand-alone assembly performance for 30-200 students: $400-$800. Two performances for 200 students each is $1000.
  • Hour-long seminars and workshops (comprising no more than 30 students each) can be held before and after the show at a fee of $150 per session.
  • If not part of an artist-in-residence day, a 90-minute master class is $300 for secondary schools and $500 for university courses. If students are paying individually for the master class, the cost is $20-25 per singing student and $5-10 per auditor, for a total of about $300.

Travel expenses

In addition, our school sponsors must provide travel expenses (air fare or car fare) and lodging. We welcome home stays and encourage sponsors to coordinate our visit with other sponsors in the region to greatly reduce these expenses.

Note: Don't forget to look at our funding resources page. And if your school or students are financially disadvantaged, please feel free to re-discuss these fees.